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Frequently asked questions

General FAQs

Radium, Miette, and Banff Upper Hot Springs have different hours of operation.

Banff Upper Hot Springs hours
Radium Hot Springs hours
Miette Hot Springs hours

No. Entry to Radium, Miette and Banff Upper Hot Springs is first come, first served. Reservations and pre-booked tickets are not available

Radium and Banff Upper Hot Springs are open on all Canadian holidays.

Miette Hot Springs is open on all Canadian holidays within its operating season.

Canadian holidays include:

  • New Year’s Day
  • Family Day (third Monday in February)
  • Good Friday
  • Easter Monday
  • Victoria Day (the last Monday before May 25)
  • Canada Day (July 1)
  • Civic Holiday (first Monday in August)
  • Labour Day (first Monday in September)
  • National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (September 30)
  • Thanksgiving (second Monday in October)
  • Remembrance Day (November 11)
  • Christmas Day
  • Boxing Day

Admission to the Canadian Rockies Hot Springs’ facilities is charged based on a per-entry fee. Within regular business hours, there is no maximum time limit per visit, however we recommend limiting your visit to one to two hours. Patrons should consume plenty of water and take frequent breaks from the hot pool to avoid overheating.

Yes, Miette, Radium and Banff Upper Hot Springs accommodate large groups. Reservations and pre-bookings are not available. If the facility is at capacity upon arrival, large groups will need to wait in line whether they have a pre-paid voucher or not.

Larger groups may need to stagger their entry to minimize wait times.

A group discount is available when 10 or more people pay in a single transaction. Private pool rentals are not available.

Entry to Radium, Miette and Banff Upper Hot Springs is first come, first served. It is difficult to predict when a line will form.

Weekends, statutory holidays and school holidays are typically the busiest times to visit the hot springs and when lines are most common.

What if I can’t wait in line or I am caring for someone who can’t wait in line?
Banff Upper Hot Springs mineral-rich waters include sulfate (552 ppm), calcium (205 ppm), bicarbonate (134 ppm), magnesium (42 ppm), and                sodium (6.2 ppm).
Radium Hot Springs mineral-rich waters include sulfate (302 ppm), calcium (135 ppm), bicarbonate (100.8 ppm), silica (31.8 ppm), and                      magnesium (31.6 ppm).
Miette Hot Springs mineral-rich waters include sulfate (1,130 ppm), calcium (307 ppm), bicarbonate (124 ppm), magnesium (56 ppm), and sodium (10.5 ppm).

Yes. All visitors require a park pass (day pass or Parks Canada Discovery Pass) when stopping to use amenities, services, and facilities within a national park. Canadian Rockies Hot Springs facilities are all located within National parks, therefore a national park pass is required when visiting them.  

During temperatures colder than -30 degrees Celsius/-22 Fahrenheit, Radium Hot Springs and Banff Upper Hot Springs closely monitor pool temperatures and may close due to cold weather. If a cold weather closure occurs, an update will be made on the website and phone line 1-800-767-1611.


Yes, Radium, Miette and Banff Upper Hot Springs are wheelchair accessible.

Accessible parking, drop off areas, change rooms and washrooms are available at each site.

Personal wheelchairs are not allowed in the water at any of the hot springs. Aquatic wheelchairs can be borrowed based on availability at the reception desk.

Please select the site you plan to visit for more information about its accessibility:

Banff Upper Hot Spring
RadiumHot Springs
Miette Hot Springs

Personal wheelchairs are not allowed in the pools. Aquatic wheelchairs can be borrowed based on availability. Please ask the cashier at the reception desk for assistance.

One caregiver may enter the hot springs free of charge when accompanying a paying individual with a disability who requires assistance using the hot springs. Swimsuit and towel rental fees will still apply to the caregiver if these items are required. Caregivers are welcome to bring their own swimsuit and towel.

If the caregiver and individual who requires assistance are travelling as part of the group, regular entry fees will apply to all other group members. Note that the Canadian Rockies Hot Springs does not formally participate in the Access2 card program, however, the above policy offers comparable access to caregivers.

Service animals

Certified service dogs are permitted throughout the Canadian Rockies Hot Springs, including in the lobby, change rooms, café, washrooms and on the pool decks while on-duty.

Following the Alberta’s and British Columbia’s public swimming pool regulations, service dogs are not permitted in the pool.

All service dogs must be certified per the B.C. Guide Dog and Service Dog Act, or the Alberta Service Dogs Act. Staff may request patrons show their B.C. Guide Dog and Service Dog certificate or Alberta Service Dog Identification Card.

Out-of-province and international visitors are encouraged to visit the Government of British Columbia or Government of Alberta websites for information on certifying your service dog prior to travelling.

Pets and Emotional Support Animals

Pets and emotional support animals not included under the BC Guide Dogs and Service Dog Act or Alberta Service Dogs Act and are not permitted at any of the Canadian Rockies Hot Springs.

Yes, you may wear an adult swim diaper in the pools if you require.

Adults who are incontinent must wear a swim diaper while enjoying the hot springs. Patrons with diarrhea or a history of diarrhea over the previous two weeks, or individuals with open sores or wounds must not use the hot springs.

If medical reasons prevent you, or the person you are caring for, from waiting in line please approach a staff member for a return access pass.

The staff member will estimate the wait time based on the current line and provide you with a pass containing the date, size of your party (max. 7/pass) and return time.

Return at your designated time and bring your pass to the staff member at the front of the line or reception desk. At this time, you will be permitted to pay your entry fee and continue directly into the hot springs.

If addressing a staff member in person to request a return access pass creates a hardship, please call 1-800-767-1611, select the site you are planning to visit then press 0 to make alternate arrangements with someone at the front desk.

Health and medical

Water at Miette, Radium and Banff Upper Hot Springs is kept between 37° C and 40 °C. Individuals who are pregnant should consult with their physician prior to visiting.

Yes, everyone is welcome at the Canadian Rockies Hot Springs facilities regardless of race, gender, orientation or ability. Information for caregivers and commonly asked questions regarding accessibility can be found in the Accessibility category.

For site specific information about how the facility is accessible, select the facility you plan on visiting.

Banff Upper Hot Springs
Radium Hot Springs
Miette Hot Springs

Yes, water in the hot springs is kept between 37° C and 40 °C, and soaking for prolonged periods can cause your body to overheat.

To avoid dehydration and overheating, we recommend all bathers take breaks to cool off every 10 minutes and drink water while soaking. Water must be kept in an unbreakable drink container.

Water fountains are available to refill water bottles at each site.

People with diarrhea or a history of diarrhea over the previous two weeks, or individuals with open wounds or who are feeling ill are not permitted in the hot springs until they have recovered.

Individuals with heart conditions, diabetes or other chronic health concerns or conditions should consult with their physician prior to visiting.

Banff Upper Hot Springs
Radium Hot Springs
Miette Hot Springs


Staff regularly check and clean the change rooms throughout the day. Change rooms, wet halls, dry halls and lobby areas are deep cleaned each evening after the facility closes to the public.

The change rooms have one-time use lockers. Tokens for the lockers are available at each facility’s reception desk.

To use the lockers, patrons must place their belonging in the locker after changing, then insert the token, close the door and turn the key to lock. 

Locker tokens are included in the cost in the single entry, group rates, day passes, punch cards and books of 10 tickets. Annual pass holders must purchase the token upon their arrival. If you open the locker before the end of your soak, additional token(s) can be purchased at the reception desk.

Parks Canada operates the Canadian Rockies Hot Springs as day-use attractions. There are no accommodations on-site. Commercial accommodations, including hotels, campgrounds, and motels are available near each facility.

Accommodations near Banff Upper Hot Springs
Accommodations near Radium Hot Springs
Accommodations near Miette Hot Springs

Public health regulations require that the mineral water at Radium, Miette and Banff Upper Hot Springs be chlorinated, tested hourly, and constantly refreshed to ensure the highest standards of quality and cleanliness.

Visiting the hot springs

Parks Canada is committed to providing an aquatic environment where individuals from all backgrounds are welcome.  The Canadian Rockies Hot Springs is a family-friendly facility. You must wear appropriate swimwear while in the hot springs.  

In addition to traditional North American swimwear, patrons may wear:  

  • long-sleeved shirts and pants  
  • t-shirts and shorts  
  • any other swimwear that allows them to feel comfortable whether for cultural, religious personal preference and/or medical and health reason.

All swimwear, must be:  

  • different from the clothing the patron arrived in  
  • freshly laundered 
  • not impair the patron’s ability to swim or the lifeguard’s ability to perform a rescue in the event of an emergency 

Underwear on its own is not appropriate swimwear.

Towels are available for rent at all Canadian Rockies Hot Springs locations. Patrons are welcome to bring their own towels.

Outdoor shoes are not allowed beyond the reception desk at Banff Upper Hot Springs and Miette Hot Springs or the dry hall at Radium Hot Springs.

Visitors are welcome to carry in an additional pair of clean shoes (flip flops or water socks) to wear in the change rooms and onto the pool deck.

Unbreakable drink containers containing water and personal items such as cameras, sunglasses and towels are permitted on deck.

Street shoes, street clothes, winter coats, other belongings and bags must be stored in a locker.

A locker token is included in single entry, group entry, punch card, and day pass costs. Additional locker tokens are available for purchase for annual pass holders and those who need to access their locker more than once. 

Stroller storage varies site to site. Please select the facility you plan on visiting for additional information.

Banff Upper Hot Springs
Radium Hot Springs
Miette Hot Springs

Hot Pool etiquette

People visit the Canadian Rockies Hot Springs for peace and quiet, and to relax.

Screaming, running, pushing, play fighting, rough play, jumping, diving, inflatable toys, portable speakers, and other aquatic items like mermaid fins, pool noodles, and snorkels are not permitted in any of the hot pools.

The Canadian Rockies Hot Springs is a family-friendly facility. We ask that bathers be considerate of others and use family-appropriate language while they soak.

Patrons must be sober while visiting any of the Canadian Rockies Hot Springs facilities. Consuming alcohol, smoking or vaping tobacco or cannabis, or taking any other intoxicating substance is not permitted within any of the Canadian Rockies Hot Springs facilities. 

Individuals who ignore warnings from lifeguards, or who choose to behave in an unsafe or inappropriate manner will be asked to leave.

Cool Pool etiquette (Radium Hot Springs only)

  • Running, pushing, play fighting, and rough play are not permitted in the cool pool.
  • Non-swimmers are not permitted in the deep end without a flotation device.
  • No front or back flips off the pool edge.
  • Patrons wishing to bring toys, fins, or mermaid tails into the cool pool may do so at the discretion of the lifeguard. Toys must be used in a safe and courteous fashion.
  • Snorkels are not permitted. 

The diving board and slides must be used in a safe manner:

  • Swimmers must be able to get to the sides of the pool without assistance.
  • Do not swim under the diving board or in the diving zone.
  • Only one person on the diving board or slide at a time
  • Splash and dive zones should be clear of swimmers before launching
  • PFD’s and water wings are allowed on the slides. Only PFDs are allowed on the diving board.
  • Feet first only on slides
  • No handstands or cartwheels, and one bounce only on the diving board.

Individuals who ignore warnings from lifeguards, or who choose to behave in an unsafe or inappropriate manner will be asked to leave.

Patrons must be sober while visiting the Hot Springs. The Canadian Rockies Hot Springs are smoke-free facilities.

Consuming alcohol, smoking or vaping tobacco or cannabis, or taking any other intoxicating substance is not permitted within any of the Canadian Rockies Hot Springs facilities.  This includes on outdoor decks, walkways or associated day-use areas. 

For the safety of visitors and staff, individuals who appear to be intoxicated will not be permitted to enter the hot springs. Visitors who show signs of impairment once in the pools will be asked to leave.

Cannabis in National Parks
  • Water is permitted on the pool deck in an unbreakable bottle.
  • Alcohol, juice and soft drinks are not permitted on the pool deck.
  • Eating is not permitted in the pool, wet hall, or change rooms
  • Café facilities are available at Banff Upper Hot Springs. Food and beverages purchased at the café must be consumed at the café or the designated picnic areas. Please ask staff for directions to these areas if required.

Visiting with children

Youth entry to all national parks, national historic sites and national marine conservation areas operated by Parks Canada is free. The admission fee associated with the hot springs is separate from the entrance fee to the national parks.

Youth fees are applicable to additional activities and services such as guided hikes and soaking in the hot springs.

The family rate is available in the following combinations of four family members (maximum 2 people aged 18 or older): 

  • Two adults and two youths
  • One adult and three youths
  • Two seniors and two youths
  • One senior, one adult and two youths
  • Four youths (in the same family)

For example:

  • A family consisting of one parent and three youth between the ages of 3 and 17 will be charged the family rate.
  • A family consisting of more than four people – such as one adult and four children or two adults and three children – will be charged the family rate plus the extra youth rate for each additional youth.

Extended families with more than two adults and families with adult children (18+) will be charged per person entry rates.

Yes, four siblings can enter the hot springs together using the family rate provided they meet the facility’s age requirements.

Banff Upper Hot Springs

Youth 14-17 are welcome to visit Banff Upper Hot Springs without an adult.

Youth 13 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian aged 18 or older when visiting the Upper Hot Springs.

Radium and Miette Hot Springs

Youth 8-17 are welcome to visit Radium and Miette Hot Springs without an adult present.

Youth 7 and under must be accompanied by a person aged 12 or older at Miette and Radium Hot Springs.

Banff Upper Hot Springs

Youth 14-17 are welcome to visit Banff Upper Hot Springs without an adult.

Youth 13 and under must be accompanied by an adult 18 or older.

Radium and Miette Hot Springs

Youth 8-17 are welcome to visit Radium and Miette Hot Springs without an adult.

Youth 7 and under must be accompanied by a person aged 12 or older.

Unaccompanied youth behaving in an unsafe or inappropriate manner will be asked to sit in the facility’s lobby until their parents can pick them up.

Non-swimmers and children five and under must be kept within arm’s reach of their parent or guardian at all times.

Youth aged 8 and older who wish to use the deep end of the cool pool at Radium Hot Springs without their parent or guardian present must complete a swim test consisting of a:

  • Swim the width of the pool without stopping or resting, using any style of stroke
  • Jump (feet first) into deep water, and
  • Recover and tread water for 30 seconds, keeping their mouth and nose above water at all times

Youth life jackets are available free of charge based on availability at Miette and Banff Upper Hot Springs.

Youth life jackets are available for rent based on availability at Radium Hot Springs. Please ask the cashier if you require a life jacket.

Babies and toddlers are allowed in the hot springs.

Children aged 3 and under and those who are incontinent are required to wear swim diapers while in the pools.

Children’s swim diapers are available for purchase at Radium, Miette and Banff Upper Hot Springs.

Annual, seasonal and punch passes

Multi-entry passes

The Canadian Rockies Hot Springs has a number of punch cards that are valid for different periods of time.

  • From the date of purchase, the 3-visit punch card is valid for 5 days.
  • From the date of purchase, the 4-visit punch card is valid for 7 days.
  • From the date of purchase, the 5-visit punch card is valid for one year, Monday to Thursdays.
  • From the date of purchase, the 8-visit punch card is valid for one year, for dates between September 15-June 15th.

Unused admissions can be used in the next shoulder season if before the expiry date. Punch cards do not provide expedited entry. If the facility is at capacity, the card holder is required to wait prior to entering. Partially used cards are non-refundable.

Yes, families using a family punch card must enter the hot springs together. If only two or three members of a family visit the hot springs the card will be punched as though all four family members entered together. 

See “Visiting with children” section for information about who is eligible for family rates.

No. Multi-entry passes, including punch cards, are not transferrable amongst users.

Annual passes can be purchased at Radium and Banff Upper Hot Springs.

Season passes can be purchased at Miette Hot Springs.

3, 4, and 5-visit punch cards may be purchased at all sites. 8-visit punch cards may only be purchased at Radium Hotsprings.


The annual pass is valid year-round at Radium and Banff Upper Hot Springs and it is valid at Miette Hot Springs during its operating season.

The season pass is valid at Radium, Miette, and Banff Upper Hot Springs during Miette’s operating season. Punch cards are accepted at all three sites. You do not have to use all of the visits at the same site.

Annual and season passes, and the 3- and 4-visit punch cards can be used by the pass/card holder during all public hours, including holidays and peak visitation times. The 5- and 8-visit punch cards have weekdays and shoulder season restrictions. See “How long are punch cards valid” for more information.

Season passes may only be used during Miette Hot Springs’ operating season (May – October).

Multi-entry passes do not provide expedited entry. If the facility is at capacity, pass/card holders are required to wait prior to entering. Partially used punch cards are not refundable.

Day passes

No. Day passes are only valid at the facility where they were purchased.

Yes. Wristbands must be worn by day pass holders.

Day passes are valid during business hours on the day the pass is purchased. During this time, the pass holder may re-enter the facility multiple times by showing their wristband.

Day passes can be purchased at Radium and Miette Hot Springs.

General FAQ

General FAQs

Radium, Miette, and Banff Upper Hot Springs have different hours of operation.

Banff Upper Hot Springs hours
Radium Hot Springs hours
Miette Hot Springs hours

No. Entry to Radium, Miette and Banff Upper Hot Springs is first come, first served. Reservations and pre-booked tickets are not available

Radium and Banff Upper Hot Springs are open on all Canadian holidays.

Miette Hot Springs is open on all Canadian holidays within its operating season.

Canadian holidays include:

  • New Year’s Day
  • Family Day (third Monday in February)
  • Good Friday
  • Easter Monday
  • Victoria Day (the last Monday before May 25)
  • Canada Day (July 1)
  • Civic Holiday (first Monday in August)
  • Labour Day (first Monday in September)
  • National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (September 30)
  • Thanksgiving (second Monday in October)
  • Remembrance Day (November 11)
  • Christmas Day
  • Boxing Day

Admission to the Canadian Rockies Hot Springs’ facilities is charged based on a per-entry fee. Within regular business hours, there is no maximum time limit per visit, however we recommend limiting your visit to one to two hours. Patrons should consume plenty of water and take frequent breaks from the hot pool to avoid overheating.

Yes, Miette, Radium and Banff Upper Hot Springs accommodate large groups. Reservations and pre-bookings are not available. If the facility is at capacity upon arrival, large groups will need to wait in line whether they have a pre-paid voucher or not.

Larger groups may need to stagger their entry to minimize wait times.

A group discount is available when 10 or more people pay in a single transaction. Private pool rentals are not available.

Entry to Radium, Miette and Banff Upper Hot Springs is first come, first served. It is difficult to predict when a line will form.

Weekends, statutory holidays and school holidays are typically the busiest times to visit the hot springs and when lines are most common.

What if I can’t wait in line or I am caring for someone who can’t wait in line?
Banff Upper Hot Springs mineral-rich waters include sulfate (552 ppm), calcium (205 ppm), bicarbonate (134 ppm), magnesium (42 ppm), and                sodium (6.2 ppm).
Radium Hot Springs mineral-rich waters include sulfate (302 ppm), calcium (135 ppm), bicarbonate (100.8 ppm), silica (31.8 ppm), and                      magnesium (31.6 ppm).
Miette Hot Springs mineral-rich waters include sulfate (1,130 ppm), calcium (307 ppm), bicarbonate (124 ppm), magnesium (56 ppm), and sodium (10.5 ppm).

Yes. All visitors require a park pass (day pass or Parks Canada Discovery Pass) when stopping to use amenities, services, and facilities within a national park. Canadian Rockies Hot Springs facilities are all located within National parks, therefore a national park pass is required when visiting them.  

During temperatures colder than -30 degrees Celsius/-22 Fahrenheit, Radium Hot Springs and Banff Upper Hot Springs closely monitor pool temperatures and may close due to cold weather. If a cold weather closure occurs, an update will be made on the website and phone line 1-800-767-1611.



Yes, Radium, Miette and Banff Upper Hot Springs are wheelchair accessible.

Accessible parking, drop off areas, change rooms and washrooms are available at each site.

Personal wheelchairs are not allowed in the water at any of the hot springs. Aquatic wheelchairs can be borrowed based on availability at the reception desk.

Please select the site you plan to visit for more information about its accessibility:

Banff Upper Hot Spring
RadiumHot Springs
Miette Hot Springs

Personal wheelchairs are not allowed in the pools. Aquatic wheelchairs can be borrowed based on availability. Please ask the cashier at the reception desk for assistance.

One caregiver may enter the hot springs free of charge when accompanying a paying individual with a disability who requires assistance using the hot springs. Swimsuit and towel rental fees will still apply to the caregiver if these items are required. Caregivers are welcome to bring their own swimsuit and towel.

If the caregiver and individual who requires assistance are travelling as part of the group, regular entry fees will apply to all other group members. Note that the Canadian Rockies Hot Springs does not formally participate in the Access2 card program, however, the above policy offers comparable access to caregivers.

Service animals

Certified service dogs are permitted throughout the Canadian Rockies Hot Springs, including in the lobby, change rooms, café, washrooms and on the pool decks while on-duty.

Following the Alberta’s and British Columbia’s public swimming pool regulations, service dogs are not permitted in the pool.

All service dogs must be certified per the B.C. Guide Dog and Service Dog Act, or the Alberta Service Dogs Act. Staff may request patrons show their B.C. Guide Dog and Service Dog certificate or Alberta Service Dog Identification Card.

Out-of-province and international visitors are encouraged to visit the Government of British Columbia or Government of Alberta websites for information on certifying your service dog prior to travelling.

Pets and Emotional Support Animals

Pets and emotional support animals not included under the BC Guide Dogs and Service Dog Act or Alberta Service Dogs Act and are not permitted at any of the Canadian Rockies Hot Springs.

Yes, you may wear an adult swim diaper in the pools if you require.

Adults who are incontinent must wear a swim diaper while enjoying the hot springs. Patrons with diarrhea or a history of diarrhea over the previous two weeks, or individuals with open sores or wounds must not use the hot springs.

If medical reasons prevent you, or the person you are caring for, from waiting in line please approach a staff member for a return access pass.

The staff member will estimate the wait time based on the current line and provide you with a pass containing the date, size of your party (max. 7/pass) and return time.

Return at your designated time and bring your pass to the staff member at the front of the line or reception desk. At this time, you will be permitted to pay your entry fee and continue directly into the hot springs.

If addressing a staff member in person to request a return access pass creates a hardship, please call 1-800-767-1611, select the site you are planning to visit then press 0 to make alternate arrangements with someone at the front desk.

Health and medical

Health and medical

Water at Miette, Radium and Banff Upper Hot Springs is kept between 37° C and 40 °C. Individuals who are pregnant should consult with their physician prior to visiting.

Yes, everyone is welcome at the Canadian Rockies Hot Springs facilities regardless of race, gender, orientation or ability. Information for caregivers and commonly asked questions regarding accessibility can be found in the Accessibility category.

For site specific information about how the facility is accessible, select the facility you plan on visiting.

Banff Upper Hot Springs
Radium Hot Springs
Miette Hot Springs

Yes, water in the hot springs is kept between 37° C and 40 °C, and soaking for prolonged periods can cause your body to overheat.

To avoid dehydration and overheating, we recommend all bathers take breaks to cool off every 10 minutes and drink water while soaking. Water must be kept in an unbreakable drink container.

Water fountains are available to refill water bottles at each site.

People with diarrhea or a history of diarrhea over the previous two weeks, or individuals with open wounds or who are feeling ill are not permitted in the hot springs until they have recovered.

Individuals with heart conditions, diabetes or other chronic health concerns or conditions should consult with their physician prior to visiting.

Banff Upper Hot Springs
Radium Hot Springs
Miette Hot Springs


Staff regularly check and clean the change rooms throughout the day. Change rooms, wet halls, dry halls and lobby areas are deep cleaned each evening after the facility closes to the public.

The change rooms have one-time use lockers. Tokens for the lockers are available at each facility’s reception desk.

To use the lockers, patrons must place their belonging in the locker after changing, then insert the token, close the door and turn the key to lock. 

Locker tokens are included in the cost in the single entry, group rates, day passes, punch cards and books of 10 tickets. Annual pass holders must purchase the token upon their arrival. If you open the locker before the end of your soak, additional token(s) can be purchased at the reception desk.

Parks Canada operates the Canadian Rockies Hot Springs as day-use attractions. There are no accommodations on-site. Commercial accommodations, including hotels, campgrounds, and motels are available near each facility.

Accommodations near Banff Upper Hot Springs
Accommodations near Radium Hot Springs
Accommodations near Miette Hot Springs

Public health regulations require that the mineral water at Radium, Miette and Banff Upper Hot Springs be chlorinated, tested hourly, and constantly refreshed to ensure the highest standards of quality and cleanliness.

Visiting the hot springs

Visiting the hot springs

Parks Canada is committed to providing an aquatic environment where individuals from all backgrounds are welcome.  The Canadian Rockies Hot Springs is a family-friendly facility. You must wear appropriate swimwear while in the hot springs.  

In addition to traditional North American swimwear, patrons may wear:  

  • long-sleeved shirts and pants  
  • t-shirts and shorts  
  • any other swimwear that allows them to feel comfortable whether for cultural, religious personal preference and/or medical and health reason.

All swimwear, must be:  

  • different from the clothing the patron arrived in  
  • freshly laundered 
  • not impair the patron’s ability to swim or the lifeguard’s ability to perform a rescue in the event of an emergency 

Underwear on its own is not appropriate swimwear.

Towels are available for rent at all Canadian Rockies Hot Springs locations. Patrons are welcome to bring their own towels.

Outdoor shoes are not allowed beyond the reception desk at Banff Upper Hot Springs and Miette Hot Springs or the dry hall at Radium Hot Springs.

Visitors are welcome to carry in an additional pair of clean shoes (flip flops or water socks) to wear in the change rooms and onto the pool deck.

Unbreakable drink containers containing water and personal items such as cameras, sunglasses and towels are permitted on deck.

Street shoes, street clothes, winter coats, other belongings and bags must be stored in a locker.

A locker token is included in single entry, group entry, punch card, and day pass costs. Additional locker tokens are available for purchase for annual pass holders and those who need to access their locker more than once. 

Stroller storage varies site to site. Please select the facility you plan on visiting for additional information.

Banff Upper Hot Springs
Radium Hot Springs
Miette Hot Springs

Hot Pool etiquette

People visit the Canadian Rockies Hot Springs for peace and quiet, and to relax.

Screaming, running, pushing, play fighting, rough play, jumping, diving, inflatable toys, portable speakers, and other aquatic items like mermaid fins, pool noodles, and snorkels are not permitted in any of the hot pools.

The Canadian Rockies Hot Springs is a family-friendly facility. We ask that bathers be considerate of others and use family-appropriate language while they soak.

Patrons must be sober while visiting any of the Canadian Rockies Hot Springs facilities. Consuming alcohol, smoking or vaping tobacco or cannabis, or taking any other intoxicating substance is not permitted within any of the Canadian Rockies Hot Springs facilities. 

Individuals who ignore warnings from lifeguards, or who choose to behave in an unsafe or inappropriate manner will be asked to leave.

Cool Pool etiquette (Radium Hot Springs only)

  • Running, pushing, play fighting, and rough play are not permitted in the cool pool.
  • Non-swimmers are not permitted in the deep end without a flotation device.
  • No front or back flips off the pool edge.
  • Patrons wishing to bring toys, fins, or mermaid tails into the cool pool may do so at the discretion of the lifeguard. Toys must be used in a safe and courteous fashion.
  • Snorkels are not permitted. 

The diving board and slides must be used in a safe manner:

  • Swimmers must be able to get to the sides of the pool without assistance.
  • Do not swim under the diving board or in the diving zone.
  • Only one person on the diving board or slide at a time
  • Splash and dive zones should be clear of swimmers before launching
  • PFD’s and water wings are allowed on the slides. Only PFDs are allowed on the diving board.
  • Feet first only on slides
  • No handstands or cartwheels, and one bounce only on the diving board.

Individuals who ignore warnings from lifeguards, or who choose to behave in an unsafe or inappropriate manner will be asked to leave.

Patrons must be sober while visiting the Hot Springs. The Canadian Rockies Hot Springs are smoke-free facilities.

Consuming alcohol, smoking or vaping tobacco or cannabis, or taking any other intoxicating substance is not permitted within any of the Canadian Rockies Hot Springs facilities.  This includes on outdoor decks, walkways or associated day-use areas. 

For the safety of visitors and staff, individuals who appear to be intoxicated will not be permitted to enter the hot springs. Visitors who show signs of impairment once in the pools will be asked to leave.

Cannabis in National Parks
  • Water is permitted on the pool deck in an unbreakable bottle.
  • Alcohol, juice and soft drinks are not permitted on the pool deck.
  • Eating is not permitted in the pool, wet hall, or change rooms
  • Café facilities are available at Banff Upper Hot Springs. Food and beverages purchased at the café must be consumed at the café or the designated picnic areas. Please ask staff for directions to these areas if required.
Visiting with children

Visiting with children

Youth entry to all national parks, national historic sites and national marine conservation areas operated by Parks Canada is free. The admission fee associated with the hot springs is separate from the entrance fee to the national parks.

Youth fees are applicable to additional activities and services such as guided hikes and soaking in the hot springs.

The family rate is available in the following combinations of four family members (maximum 2 people aged 18 or older): 

  • Two adults and two youths
  • One adult and three youths
  • Two seniors and two youths
  • One senior, one adult and two youths
  • Four youths (in the same family)

For example:

  • A family consisting of one parent and three youth between the ages of 3 and 17 will be charged the family rate.
  • A family consisting of more than four people – such as one adult and four children or two adults and three children – will be charged the family rate plus the extra youth rate for each additional youth.

Extended families with more than two adults and families with adult children (18+) will be charged per person entry rates.

Yes, four siblings can enter the hot springs together using the family rate provided they meet the facility’s age requirements.

Banff Upper Hot Springs

Youth 14-17 are welcome to visit Banff Upper Hot Springs without an adult.

Youth 13 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian aged 18 or older when visiting the Upper Hot Springs.

Radium and Miette Hot Springs

Youth 8-17 are welcome to visit Radium and Miette Hot Springs without an adult present.

Youth 7 and under must be accompanied by a person aged 12 or older at Miette and Radium Hot Springs.

Banff Upper Hot Springs

Youth 14-17 are welcome to visit Banff Upper Hot Springs without an adult.

Youth 13 and under must be accompanied by an adult 18 or older.

Radium and Miette Hot Springs

Youth 8-17 are welcome to visit Radium and Miette Hot Springs without an adult.

Youth 7 and under must be accompanied by a person aged 12 or older.

Unaccompanied youth behaving in an unsafe or inappropriate manner will be asked to sit in the facility’s lobby until their parents can pick them up.

Non-swimmers and children five and under must be kept within arm’s reach of their parent or guardian at all times.

Youth aged 8 and older who wish to use the deep end of the cool pool at Radium Hot Springs without their parent or guardian present must complete a swim test consisting of a:

  • Swim the width of the pool without stopping or resting, using any style of stroke
  • Jump (feet first) into deep water, and
  • Recover and tread water for 30 seconds, keeping their mouth and nose above water at all times

Youth life jackets are available free of charge based on availability at Miette and Banff Upper Hot Springs.

Youth life jackets are available for rent based on availability at Radium Hot Springs. Please ask the cashier if you require a life jacket.

Babies and toddlers are allowed in the hot springs.

Children aged 3 and under and those who are incontinent are required to wear swim diapers while in the pools.

Children’s swim diapers are available for purchase at Radium, Miette and Banff Upper Hot Springs.

Multi-entry passes (annual, seasonal, and punch cards)

Multi-entry passes

The Canadian Rockies Hot Springs has a number of punch cards that are valid for different periods of time.

  • From the date of purchase, the 3-visit punch card is valid for 5 days.
  • From the date of purchase, the 4-visit punch card is valid for 7 days.
  • From the date of purchase, the 5-visit punch card is valid for one year, Monday to Thursdays.
  • From the date of purchase, the 8-visit punch card is valid for one year, for dates between September 15-June 15th.

Unused admissions can be used in the next shoulder season if before the expiry date. Punch cards do not provide expedited entry. If the facility is at capacity, the card holder is required to wait prior to entering. Partially used cards are non-refundable.

Yes, families using a family punch card must enter the hot springs together. If only two or three members of a family visit the hot springs the card will be punched as though all four family members entered together. 

See “Visiting with children” section for information about who is eligible for family rates.

No. Multi-entry passes, including punch cards, are not transferrable amongst users.

Annual passes can be purchased at Radium and Banff Upper Hot Springs.

Season passes can be purchased at Miette Hot Springs.

3, 4, and 5-visit punch cards may be purchased at all sites. 8-visit punch cards may only be purchased at Radium Hotsprings.


The annual pass is valid year-round at Radium and Banff Upper Hot Springs and it is valid at Miette Hot Springs during its operating season.

The season pass is valid at Radium, Miette, and Banff Upper Hot Springs during Miette’s operating season. Punch cards are accepted at all three sites. You do not have to use all of the visits at the same site.

Annual and season passes, and the 3- and 4-visit punch cards can be used by the pass/card holder during all public hours, including holidays and peak visitation times. The 5- and 8-visit punch cards have weekdays and shoulder season restrictions. See “How long are punch cards valid” for more information.

Season passes may only be used during Miette Hot Springs’ operating season (May – October).

Multi-entry passes do not provide expedited entry. If the facility is at capacity, pass/card holders are required to wait prior to entering. Partially used punch cards are not refundable.

Day passes

Multi-entry passes

The Canadian Rockies Hot Springs has a number of punch cards that are valid for different periods of time.

  • From the date of purchase, the 3-visit punch card is valid for 5 days.
  • From the date of purchase, the 4-visit punch card is valid for 7 days.
  • From the date of purchase, the 5-visit punch card is valid for one year, Monday to Thursdays.
  • From the date of purchase, the 8-visit punch card is valid for one year, for dates between September 15-June 15th.

Unused admissions can be used in the next shoulder season if before the expiry date. Punch cards do not provide expedited entry. If the facility is at capacity, the card holder is required to wait prior to entering. Partially used cards are non-refundable.

Yes, families using a family punch card must enter the hot springs together. If only two or three members of a family visit the hot springs the card will be punched as though all four family members entered together. 

See “Visiting with children” section for information about who is eligible for family rates.

No. Multi-entry passes, including punch cards, are not transferrable amongst users.

Annual passes can be purchased at Radium and Banff Upper Hot Springs.

Season passes can be purchased at Miette Hot Springs.

3, 4, and 5-visit punch cards may be purchased at all sites. 8-visit punch cards may only be purchased at Radium Hotsprings.


The annual pass is valid year-round at Radium and Banff Upper Hot Springs and it is valid at Miette Hot Springs during its operating season.

The season pass is valid at Radium, Miette, and Banff Upper Hot Springs during Miette’s operating season. Punch cards are accepted at all three sites. You do not have to use all of the visits at the same site.

Annual and season passes, and the 3- and 4-visit punch cards can be used by the pass/card holder during all public hours, including holidays and peak visitation times. The 5- and 8-visit punch cards have weekdays and shoulder season restrictions. See “How long are punch cards valid” for more information.

Season passes may only be used during Miette Hot Springs’ operating season (May – October).

Multi-entry passes do not provide expedited entry. If the facility is at capacity, pass/card holders are required to wait prior to entering. Partially used punch cards are not refundable.

Have more questions?

Contact the Canadian Rockies Hot Springs

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